Friday, July 01, 2016

Antler Kabuki--Variations

Antler kabuki doesn't have to include an antler. As I write this, Archie and Azza are in the backyard performing antler kabuki with a stick. It can be performed with any object of mutual desire, as in the case of the video below, with a plush frog missing stuffing and squeaker.

Azza is making the noises you hear. Archie might let loose with a shrill bark every now and then, but for the most part, antler kabuki is a silent game. 

Archie grabs Azza's cheeks so often during this game that she has a permanent welt/bald spot on both sides of her face. I figure that as long as blood isn't drawn, it's not a problem.

I was grooming Archie yesterday and realized that he's not a puppy anymore. He's a big boy, clocking in at nearly 22 lbs of solid muscle. He's a lovely SFT with a cheerful and resilient temperament. I'm lucky to have him, and Azza is lucky to have such a fun playmate.

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