There were only 10 slots in my DOG-101 class--and they were filled five days after the class was opened for registration. There are three men and seven women signed up. There was enough interest that there is now a waiting list for the class in case anyone cancels.
I got emails from one woman asking how she would know if her dog was a desert dog. She sent me a picture--I think it is likely the dog has some desert dog in him but he seems to be several generations away from the source and boy, was he cute! He reminded me quite a bit of an Australian Kelpie. I told her it was okay for her to sign up.
Another guy, an Arab of unknown origin but definitely not a Saudi (because of his unusual last name; I asked around at work), emailed me with a picture of his puppy asking if "Brees" could join the class. The issue was that Brees would only be 12 weeks old when the class started but the requirements stated dogs had to be at least 16 weeks. But Brees will have had his shots by then and should be okay to join us so I told him it was okay.
I got some interesting feedback from the woman who coordinates the Community Education program. Apparently, she has been contacted by quite a few people who are pleased to see this course being offered. This kind of thing hasn't been done on camp for at least 6-7 years. Since we will be using a room in the middle school and will have to bring dogs into the school area where they are not normally permitted, into the building even, it is good to know there is reasonably broad support for it.
The first class is on April 10 so I have two weeks to work out some outlines for the classes and make a list of supplies to take with me each week.
How exciting!!!!
Sounds like you made a very much needed decision to go through with this.
OH, pack cleaning supplies - puppies, doggies, piddles, etc....
Woohoo! So glad to see you doing doggie things again. This should be fun and definitely a learning experience for all concerned.
That's so great! I hope they're as good as students as they are at being eager.
I suppose eagerness counts for a lot. I mean, it's not like they get a grade or anything. And as all of you know, in dog training, there is no single way to accomplish something.
Not to get too silly about this but I was thinking about getting Tshirts made for the first DOG-101 class. There won't ever be another first one, right? I can get them made in Khobar cheap cheap cheap. Just have to design a logo....
I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but go into this keeping in mind you might like the dogs more than you like the people! It can be frustrating when the people don't do what is asked as several of my trainer friends have told me!
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