Friday, March 26, 2010

Chemistry in Action

I started my first batch of ginger beer last night.

The little yeasties are busy making all kinds of waste products--including alcohol! The plastic thingy in the stopper that lets gas out but keeps bugs and other things from getting in is bubbling away. Mimi wasn't too sure about it when she first discovered this!

I caved in and bought a food processor when I was at the local hardware store Wednesday morning buying my shelving. You have to be careful when buying appliances here because camp is 110 V while the rest of KSA is 220 V. That's an anachronism left from the origin of Aramco as an American petroleum company. Anyway, Saco gets a lot of Aramcon business and they know it so they stock a variety of small appliances in both voltages.

I used my new food processor to shred my kilo of fresh ginger. You then make a ginger concentrate by simmering the ginger in a large pot of water for an hour. After it cools a bit, you can add the sugar. My original recipe called for adding the sugar to the fermenting bottle but sugar dissolves better in warm water than cold so after straining the ginger concentrate, I added the 1.5 kilos of sugar to that. I dribbled that tiny teaspoon of yeast into that giant jug of water, added my ginger/sugar concentrate, capped it, shook up a bit, and stashed the jug in a cool spot.

My empty soda bottles are clean and standing at the ready. I should be able to transfer the concoction to them by Monday night at the latest for a second round of fermentation. By next weekend, I should be tasting the results!

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