We had a monstrously fierce storm blow through around 10pm Monday night. Brief, but fierce. It rolled in from the northwest like most of our nasty spring storms do. I watched the clouds and lightening build all evening and kept the TV turned to my favorite local station. It became my favorite last spring when there was a tornado-spawning storm that hit around 3am. After stowing photos, computers, dogs, and cats in my safe room, I turned on the TV to find the weatherman for
WFAA Channel 8 broadcasting weather updates LIVE! At 3am! I was so impressed that I only listen to their weather now.
Anyway, the storm brought in a lot of hail. Big hail. Two-inch diameter hail! I braved the weather to collect a handful of hailstone samples from the backyard before the rain melted them.

The smallest was about 1 inch in diameter. The largest in my terribly non-random sample was this two-inch monster.

Not surprisingly, my roof and some gutters were damaged and some shingles need to be replaced. That's one of my projects for the weekend. The car was safely in the garage and thankfully, no windows were broken.
OH MY!!!! That was a monster.
We just have winter here, seems we will miss spring all together.
It's cold and snowing - again!
Your snow is my rain and hail. And tornadoes.
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