Here's the scan of the certificate:

According to the info that comes with the certificate, the Primary field is blank because Cap is not a purebred. I think we can all agree that is true!
The Secondary field lists all breeds that have a significant signature in his DNA. Note that this field contains a whopping one breed: Border Collie.
The In the Mix field lists all other breeds that have a signature in his DNA but that represent only a minor contribution. That field lists only Australian Shepherd.
And that's it. No papillon or terrier or any other fluffy breed involved.
So I would have to say he is probably a BC/mini aussie cross with the BC predominant. Maybe some sort of BC x BC x mini aussie.
In the past couple of weeks, he's begun to LOOK more like a BC. Some of those odd Aussie movements are fading, although his asshole is still almost as high as his head! But he's losing that weird rabbit hop that Aussies do when moving between a walk and a canter. His body is getting longer, his neck has lengthened, and he's getting some proper BC proportions. The furnishings on his hind legs (the longer hairs) have become quite magnificent. However, he does not have prick ears like many BCs.
Don't get too excited--I haven't gone over to the dark side entirely. Cap is still a mutant. Super tiny, just barely as tall as Harry and Gracie at the shoulder. And there's that issue of his tail. Or lack thereof. His growth rate has leveled off dramatically (he measured 15.5" at the shoulder twice last weekend and the two weekends before that) but he is getting very muscular. The area where his front leg attaches to his torso is twice the size of the same joint in the fox terriers, and my terriers are nothing but muscle, even Dyna the couch princess.
I'm wondering now if I can even ILP him. He doesn't look much like an aussie anymore, even without the tail. But that lack of tail might prevent him from getting an ILP as a BC. I haven't neutered him yet, so I still have time to ponder this problem.
Cap, my little BC mutant, my little monkey man, welcome to CircusK9!
1 comment:
Woo Hoo I knew it... tail less BC.
He he he, and you said you'd ne\ver have a border collie......bwahahahaha
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