Sunday, December 27, 2015

Shameless Promotion: Freshpet

Even without a TV, I know about this commercial:

Go ahead, give it a watch. I'll wait.

Pretty amusing. And it turns out, effective marketing.

When I was at the grocery store a while back, thinking that I might get something special for the dogs as a treat during the winter break, I was browsing the shelves when I noticed a small refrigerator case. Inside: Freshpet logs. After reading labels, I chose the chicken log.

The dogs just love it. Cut into appropriately small pieces, the cat hoovers it up too.

I think it is more economical than canned food since there is more content, less water per unit volume. The chicken log looks and smells like balogna with orange carrot and green bean bits embedded in it. It doesn't seem to disrupt their usually excellent digestion or make them gassy. I sometimes give it as a treat, sometimes add it to their food bowl. They never get anything close to what is defined as a "serving" on the label. I am using it only as a treat, a garnish.

Highly recommended by CircusK9.

If you liked the commercial, check out their "making of" video:

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