A joke that I’ve heard more than once, and
even made myself, is that humans are nothing more than warm sacs for our
gut bacteria. There are several subtexts to this joke. The one I want to focus
on is that while the human body contains at least 37,200,000,000,000
cells, or around 37 trillion cells (these guys did the most recent estimate*), the
microorganisms living in and on us number ten times more (around 370 trillion
cells); even so, microorganisms are small (sorry to be obvious) so they only account for about a kilo of our body mass. From the perspective of those bacteria, we are indeed a mobile unit providing
them with food, shelter, and opportunities to propagate.
What is the function of all these
microorganisms? I decided to look
into some of the recent results of the Human Microbiome Project (HMP). The word
microbiome refers to all the microorganisms that live in and on us (mostly
bacteria, some fungi). Using computerized genetic
sequencing techniques that we now perform quickly for large quantities of data,
the HMP has given us an astonishing, if still incomplete, picture of our microbiome.
Some background. Our DNA, long protein
molecules, are wrapped up into neat bundles we call chromosomes. DNA molecules contain
codes for making more proteins. Proteins are like the worker bees of cells.
They can be messengers, carrying chemical signals from one place to another.
They can be receptors that receive those signals. They can be enzymes that help
chemical reactions in the cell operate faster, or operate under energetically
unfavorable conditions. They can be the molecules that are changed by the
enzymes. This is far too short of a list but you get the idea.
There is extreme variation in the number of
chromosomes between species and within species. In fact, the number of
chromosomes isn’t much of an indicator of anything useful. What’s important is how
many different proteins those DNA molecules code for. One of the surprises from
the Human Genome Project was how few proteins our DNA codes for, around 20,000
proteins, about the same number as the fruit fly. (We are not special.)
The microbiome project looks for proteins
that aren’t us. In fact, this is exactly the point of the microbiome itself: by
acting as the host for the microorganisms, we get access to new proteins and
new biochemical functions that come with them, without having to evolve the
machinery, that is, the genes, to code for them. Many of these proteins are
critical for our survival such as vitamins, enzymes that can utilize special
nutrients, and proteins that operate within our immune system by turning it on
in the first place and by causing diseases when things go awry. There are some
researchers that have suggested that our microbiome may even influence our
behavior; albeit fascinating, that is a topic for another day. One of the
remarkable conclusions of the microbiome project, one among many, is that
humans are a “supraorganism” that is a composite of both human and microbial
biochemistry. So it seems that they are more our partners than our overlords
(still, I think that is a debatable point). In fact, our health depends on the health
of our microbiome to a fairly large extent.
There are still plenty of unresolved questions: does our microbiome vary as we age? (Probably but it still needs to be verified.) Does a healthy microbiome depend on specific species or on the general set of functions provided? Does our microbiome depend on where we live? Should we collect a lot of data from a small number of related humans located in one place or sample widely across the globe? Both designs will give interesting results but they will be answering different questions. There is plenty more to be learned from this multi-lab, multi-country research initiative.
An interesting side note: most of our
microbiome is located in our gut, specifically our colons, although there are
microorganisms on every single surface in and on us. So the HMP obtained some of their samples from human feces. I will
never again complain about having to pick straw and cedar shavings out of
chicken droppings in order to get a clean sample.
*While the current trend is towards
increasing open access, which means the full publication is available online in
a format such as PDF and you don’t need a subscription to get to it, many
journals embargo articles for a year or two after publication. The abstract of
the publication, a summary of the hypothesis and results that appears at the
beginning of all scientific papers, is nearly always available without cost. There
are very good reasons for embargoing papers which are beyond my scope here. Open
access doesn’t necessarily mean better. It is caveat emptor in the world of
open access, since any fool can create a masthead and self-publish these days,
or charge other fools to publish their work, without going through that messy
peer review process. In this case, the peer-reviewed article that I linked to is
published in the Annals of Human Biology, which embargoes newly published
articles. Nonetheless, even though you can’t read the full paper without a
subscription to this journal, you can get the main points from the abstract.
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