Friday, July 19, 2013

The Summer of Organic Chemistry 3

I finished the first course of organic chemistry with a grade of B+. I was expecting better but I continued to make some trivial errors on the exams that cost me those precious points. Still, I shouldn't complain. That's a perfectly respectable grade for this difficult course.

The next course, another four-week slog, begins on Monday. No rest for the weary or the wicked. Maybe the good are resting well this weekend but who wants to be good?

On the bright side, I have ridden the frankenbike to campus every weekday for a month (a grueling 15 minutes there and 15 minutes back to my car on a nearly flat route). I have decided that the biking experiment has been successful enough for me to move to the next stage: getting a bike rack so I don't have to wrestle the bike into the back of the car every day.

After doing some research, I decided that a hitch-mounted rack was the best option so I'm having a hitch installed tomorrow morning. Today after the org chem final I went into town to check out racks at four local bike shops. I've already priced racks online but I wanted to see if I could get any deals locally. Plus it's good to see the products in the flesh, so to speak. In fact, because of what I saw today, I'm going with a platform style rather than the clip-hanging style. It seems silly to get a nice rack for such a crappy bike but I may upgrade the bike next year.


Anne said...

Congratulations! You're nearly done!

lilspotteddog said...

33% done.