Saturday, April 20, 2013

Happy Birthday To Me

Mimi earned a Q today in our Open Preferred JWW run. Preferred means she jumps at 12 inches instead of her measured 16.

I never really thought that I'd use the "agility" tag on a post again.

If you turn up the volume, you can hear my friend Anne's commentary!

Today also happens to be my birthday. Happy birthday to me!

If the embedded video doesn't work, try this.

YouTube Video


Anne said...

Oh my god.... I'm so annoying!

Anonymous said...

that was great - good to see you both in action and Mimi appeared to enjoy it! Happy birthday for the 20th, I have emailed but not sure you have received it.
Having some lovely walks (and even nicer post walk drinks) with Penny and Nellie so it ain't too bad! Moya

BC Insanity said...

OMG that was so awesome to see you and Mimi back on the dirt again. It brought happy tears to my eyes. Loved her little rattling tail under your arm when you were waiting to run.