I'm so glad that at last the cats have reached some sort of understanding. First there was Tsingy's 5-day hunger strike (I kept putting the same darned bowl of food out twice a day; I figured she'd get hungry eventually). Then I discovered that they were taking turns trapping the other in the litter box--and not as part of a game. That was not pretty at all.
Kinky stretching and yawning after a nap. |
I supposed some line was crossed a couple of weeks ago because they started screeching and howling at each other, escalating up to some short but rather vicious fights (these usually took place around 1am so I didn't see many of them although Mimi would shoot out of bed to go investigate). Both cats ended up with shallow bites on their necks and shoulders. Just like with dogs, those aren't killing bites but mutual attempts to sort out their issues.
Even though I thought it was all excessively dramatic, they needed to work it out on their own terms. And so they have. This weekend was noticeably drama-free. Tsingy is strolling around like she hasn't a care in the world. Both cats came upstairs with the dogs when I went up there to change after work. No yowling, no puffed tails, no fleeing the scene. They hung out while I played a quick game of fetch with the dogs, then we all trooped back downstairs again.
Kitty attacks sisal post: news at 11! |
I've tucked into the post some pictures of Kinkajou playing on their new cat castle--both of them like it but I only managed to snap pics of him.
Kinky likes the new furniture. |
1 comment:
that photo of kinky stretching is a classic!
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