I started with Valorie's step classes. She's got a dance-like style to her routines. As I posted earlier, my lack of coordination and grace left me struggling through the first few classes. But I'm starting to figure things out. Not that I'm suddenly graceful or anything like that, no. I am increasingly able to muddle through more or less on the beat now. My big struggle is to move my arms at the same time I am moving my legs. There are some moves that result in a total disconnect between them and I resort to the usual flapping but I'm slowly getting better at that too.
Then Erika showed up. She's an American with decades of experience teaching exercise like yoga and step. She started up a second evening step class. I call Erika the Step Dominatrix--step class run by a marine drill sergeant shouting commands over a backdrop of peppy 80's remixes and current pop tunes. All delivered with a smile, for sure, but Erika's classes just kick my ass. I hobble panting out to the car afterward.
And in a good way, because I realized I can work much harder than I could when I first started, I now put more effort into Valorie's classes so that I end up with a total ass-kicking two nights a week.
It's great! On nights with step class, I sleep like a stone, often waking up in the exact same position that I fell asleep in, apparently not having moved at all during the night.
It's easy to get carried away with the zeal of the newly converted but those endorphins are as addictive as any drug.
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