In contrast, here is a picture of my two desert dogs enjoying a sunny afternoon on my porch. I dragged one of the lovely Motel 6 chairs out there and read for a couple of hours while the dogs napped. The gardener usually sprays the grit off my porch every morning but he was taking a couple of days off for eid so a good layer of dust had accumulated. Not that Mimi cares much about that!
I think I mentioned the lovely beef ribs that I got for the dogs at the commissary a week or so ago. I asked today for more bones and the guy brought out a tray stacked high with lamb bones and bits--more than 2 lbs of them for a whopping SR 6 (about USD 1.50). This particular lamb was imported from Australia although we do get local lamb. Some of the pieces were as large as Harry's head and were loaded with meat and fat and other good bits. This is the haul after I rebagged everything for the freezer, minus the two giant hunks I gave the dogs for their dinner. You can see how much meat is left on some of the pieces. Their teeth have never been so clean and white.
I'm glad to be able to get these for the dogs because the dog food available from the vet is terrible--the first AND third ingredients are corn. Bleah.
The funny part is that when I put the lamb hunks down on the porch, Mimi immediately starts to work on hers, gnawing off bits of meat right away. Sometimes most of the hunk will disappear in her mouth at one time as she tries to chew off a choice bit. Harry will stare at his lamb hunk for a while, then lick it, pick it up, turn it over, lick the other side, until finally he will begin to delicately chew on it. Harry would make a terrible desert dog, I'm afraid.
Awwwwww, look how content they are. That's so like your lounge dogs, not miss a spot and a moment for a good, enjoyable nap.
You are so gonna love feeding raw meat, well OK, Harry and Mimi will for sure. After, of course Harry stops acting like a sissy ;-)
It's barely 30deg high during the day and in the teens at night. We are freezing our asses off and my little hairless dog is very unimpressed. Even Bix crawls under the covers at night.... for a little while at least.
They look so happy! Bullet used to do the same as Harry on something that was so overwhelming. Its like they have to take it in, admire it and contemplate the best way to tackle it. I considered it "true appreciation"!
We are planning a day of herding in the snow. And I can't wait to try out my new ridiculously expensive but unbelievably comfortable herding boots!
Herding in the snow! Sounds like fun! I do miss snow. I'm glad I spent last Christmas with G et al. in Utah. We had plenty of snow then, didn't we?
I don't plan to convert the dogs to an entirely raw diet. However, I can certainly give them the bones and meat a couple of times a week. It's really amazing how much goes in the one end and how little comes out the other. Where do those bones go?
DSL, I see your point about appreciation. Perhaps Harry is a true afficionado and needs time to "breathe it all in". Or perhaps he really is a bit of a sissy. Either way, given enough time, he does consume all of his allotted treat!
Yeah I LOVE the reduction in poop volume!!!
We got a cold spell here. Woke up to 5 deg this morning. Highs in the 20s are predicted for the next couple days. Snow on the ground, nice and fluffy and it's very pretty, but it hurts the dogs' feet very quickly. So cold.
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