Okay, so you guys absolutely have to check out the pics that Gosia posted on her blog! She reports that Bix is now acting like he owns the house. He has certainly taken charge of his harem of lovely girl kitties. He even rolls on the bed in the morning with the BCs! No doubt that he's settled in nicely. Bix was originally from Salt Lake City--he's done quite a bit of traveling before ending up there again.
After a lot of worry, I finally found a home for Lola--it's literally cat heaven. Marla and David live out near Waxahachie (south of Dallas). They have two goldens, two BCs, and a lovely cat named Smokey. There are cat scratching posts and climbing castles all over the house--even in the bathroom!
They even built an enclosed cat yard with ramps and snoozing spots up off the ground for maximum fresh air exposure. The cat yard is bigger than some rooms in my house! Lola has never been outside so she might need some time to get used to that perk.
Marla reported that Lola is greeting her and David with enthusiasm and much purring. Lola is of course eating well but that little piglet would never miss a meal. Marla has already started introducing some of the other animals. Smokey is a super nice boy and was very curious about Lola when we arrived, not at all hostile or worried.
What a relief to know that Lola is going to have a wonderful life in her new home.
After a tiny bit of arm-twisting, my mother agreed to take Bhumi.
I thought he'd make the best fit into her household. She has a very old male cat named Freckles. Bhumi is the most gentle of all of my cats and should create the least amount of drama for the old guy. He will also do well with her dogs. He'll get to see his new home in about a week. When Bix left for Salt Lake City, both Bhumi and Lola moped around for days. But I don't think Bhumi misses Lola much. He seems to be relishing his new role as the only cat. He's following me around with the dogs just like Bixter used to do.
1 comment:
That Lola sure scored big, it was worth the wait. What a great relief it is. Smokey sure looks like our Twinkie outside and a down-sized Stella.
I'm sorry you just can't resist Bhumi, he's so hysterical with those eyes.
Yes Bix has settled in fast. Jeff said last night when we were all at flyball practice, Bix moved in onto his lap and pretty much parked himself for the rest of the evening. This resulted in Jeff watching extra TV shows, not wanting to move. Then Blink barged in, which didn't bother Bix a bit who didn't move an inch off Jeff's lap. Finally Jupiter, totally resentful, as Jeff's lap is ALWAYS hers, snuggled up on the other side. So like I said, Jeff could not move anywhere and I don't think there was anything good on TV either. Ha ha ha.
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