This traumatic dental event was precipitated when I noticed this past weekend that the tip of one of his canines was broken off. Really, it was more like half of the tooth was gone. He was acting like it hurt, and since these fox terriers are insanely stoic, if they act like it hurts, on the 1 to 10 scale, the pain has to be 11.
Jack went through an episode about 4 years ago where he tried to chew through a wire crate. I finally moved him into the plastic crate he still uses now but the damage had been done. He had fractured nearly all of his teeth.
If the fractures penetrate to the pulp inside the tooth, bacteria find their way in and eventually the tooth dies.
As a result of the wire crate incident, quite a few of his teeth (really, the roots of the teeth) had deteriorated beyond repair or salvage and the only option was to remove them.
Ironically, the broken canine was a healthy tooth with a healthy root and it took almost an hour to extract it. He was under anesthesia for a total of three hours which is a very long time even for a healthy 8 yr old dog like Jack (he will be 8 in almost exactly 1 month).
He's not in great shape right now. He did eat some canned food mixed with warm water for dinner (with his meds cleverly hidden inside). But he's leaving bloody drool wherever he lays his head. His eyes don't quite focus. He totters and weaves like a drunken sailor. He's in quite a bit of pain. His face is swollen and tender. He's having trouble staying warm.
In short, he's a mess.
It's going to be a long night as I will probably check on him every half hour or so. (He sleeps on the bed anyway so I'll make him a cozy nest next to me.)
Of course, he will get to go to work with me for a few days, the privilege of sick and recuperating dogs. And he'll get to eat super special food for a while too--I bought one of those roasted whole chickens at the store on the way home from the vet.
In other news, it's been raining since 5:30 this morning. It is much needed and appreciated although we are not dealing with as severe a drought as they are in central Texas. It rained about an inch in 12 hours and has continued to rain steadily since I got home from work.
Post Script: Jack is doing much better this morning. Still pretty subdued and his face is swollen, but his eyes look clear and he's getting that fox terrier spring in his step.
Also, it rained another inch last night.
1 comment:
Give Jack hugs for me. You're really a great doggie mom! All your little guys and girls are very lucky to have you in their lives.
VA Mom
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