Saturday, January 17, 2009

Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun!

Two videos! Double your pleasure!

The first is some clips of me playing ball and tug with Cap. Sorry for the dim lighting. I'll work on that the next time I film in that room (that's my dog room--it is large enough for twelve weave poles, or a flyball box and a jump--that room is one of the reasons I bought the house). I cut out the audio because the other dogs are having a fit and that's about all you can hear.

The second is from the fun run last Sunday. Because Mimi was pretty stressed, her runs really weren't much to brag about but I clipped out the last part of her third run. Gracie was entertaining as always. She is a bit hesitant with the chute, doesn't like to down on the table, and oh my god! there was a tunnel under the dogwalk! Never heard of such a thing! Took us a while to work through that. I had the camera on the tripod which meant it was set back pretty far to get the entire field in view, so everything is very small in the videos. I cut out the audio because it was terribly windy that day.

Cap update: He's been a bad boy today. I had him outside with Gracie while I was doing some housecleaning this morning. When I went to check on them, Cap was busily tunneling his way under the soapberry tree. Had to pause in the housecleaning to give him another bath. I caught him digging twice more today--a new problem to work on. Later I was trying a harness on him for fit and before I knew it, snick, he chewed through it. I said, damn it, that cost twenty-four dollars! then felt a bit stupid because what does Cap know about money? And he's peed in the house twice today immediately after coming in from outside. Argh.

The second pee event has resulted in Cap being tethered to me. No playing with toys or the sisters or wandering around the house until he pees outside and gets a treat for it.

He's getting introduced to the fabulous yummy stuff the other dogs get to eat--tonight it was chicken livers in a bed of kibble. Mmm. The market doesn't have those livers too often. They are from free range "happy" chickens. Yogurt, carrot treats, fresh green veggies--so far he's inhaling it all.

Today started really great though. It was cloudy and a bit cool, nothing like the 20 degrees it was two days ago. I had Cap chase me as I was dragging a toy and did his clicker work outside in the agility field for a change of scenery. We started working on stay this morning. I also set up a course with a serpentine/threadle jump sequence ending in a 270, plus tunnel under dogwalk (different shape than in the fun run) and at the far end of the field, set up a circle of teeter, triple, weaves, and chute and worked Mimi and Gracie through all of this. Great fun was had by all.


kiwichick said...

The girls looked great. How old are they? Cap looks like a blast too. It is tough being a puppy :-)

lilspotteddog said...

Puppy is feeling better now that he's peed outside twice and gotten treats for it.

The sisters are 3 1/2 years old. Littermates. They'd kill each other if given the chance.

I have to brag on my Gracie. The other dogs that started in her beginners class will graduate next week. Gracie has been in the next class level for two weeks already!

kiwichick said...

Good job Gracie. So are Fox Terriers like Jacks in that two of the same sex will fight to the death....I had a friend and her Jacks were awful. I guess you must separate them all the time. What a pain, but you do what you have to right..... Glad Cap is back to being a "good" puppy for now :-)

seniormoments said...

Gracie looked good on the field and, from a distance, appeared to be having a fun time. I know it's hard to put up with a puppy, especially one that's probably Aussie. From experience, we found that they do tend to be diggers..kind of like goldens or labs..just for the fun of moving dirt around. Just so long as he doesn't dig out of the yard, then you'll have an entirely different set of problems. Give them all big, big hugs for me.