Sunday, November 16, 2008

Baby, It's Cold Outside

We are having our first real cold spell for the season. There's a good layer of frost on everything this morning and my basil finally gave it up for the year. (Sure, sure, you Utahn readers are all saying "psssh, that's nothing" right about now, but hey, in north Texas, we take what seasonal changes we can get.)

I reprogrammed my thermostat from "autumn" to "winter" settings.

And I'm wearing a pair of new slippers around the house instead of padding around barefoot.

My little Dyna-bug starts feeling the cold right about this time of year. She's small and I'm sure she does get cold but there's a lot of drama queen in her too.

Drama or not, a cold pup needs a warm coat. My friend Denise makes well designed dog coats in all sorts of fun patterns and fabrics. If you are in the market for a gift for a friend or for your own four-legged buddy, check out her RoverReadymade website.

Here's Dyna modeling a lovely Rover Readymade blue and black faux fur coat with side closure. Stunning!

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