I love watching my dogs hang out in the backyard. They've probably nosed over every square inch of it at least twice (it's a big yard) so there's probably no surprises and they feel pretty safe out there. After a frenetic few minutes of racing around, they all find a spot and stretch out in the sun. It doesn't matter if it is 50 degrees or 105 degrees as long as it is sunny. You'd think they were plants.
Sometimes they disperse around the yard according to some weird rule that says they have to be as far from all other dogs as possible. Other times they clump up within inches of each other.
They will sit or stretch out, almost always facing the sun, and stay there until they start panting from the heat. Then, they flop over and start rolling in the grass.
They grunt and huff and look quite silly with their feet flapping around in the air, spotted bellies exposed, mouths hanging open.
This is what living in the moment is all about. It's very simple, really. You can't analyze it or put it aside because you are too busy now. You have to embrace the joy you feel, let it out in a dance or a laugh or a roll in the sun-warmed grass. And that moment is nearly always yours alone. Don't let it slip away.
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