The failure of my reliable but old Fuji digital camera earlier this year led to my purchase of a super spiffy, itty bitty Canon, which I love and carry in my purse all the time. That led to the purchase of a super duper spiffy Sony Handycam digital video camera, which if it fit in my purse I'd probably lug around too (maybe I need a bigger purse). Then the reliable old PC just choked on those videos so I got a beautiful new iMac (I'm a Mac user from waaaay back--I wrote my dissertation on a Mac SE, which I still have and which still runs). And I just won an iPod shuffle in a raffle at the conference I was at. It's my first mp3 player.
I'm surrounded by more technology than I would have ever thought reasonable. What's next, cable? (Joking. I've never had cable TV and don't have plans for it anytime soon.) I mean, I'm not a Luddite, but sheesh, suddenly my worktable is bristling with chargers and cables and docking pads and I've run up a large tab at the iTunes store.
And all of this technology, plus some prompting from my friend Gosia, led to this blog thing I'm working on.
I have spent several hours today moving pictures from CDs to the new iMac, thinking that looking at them would give me an idea for today's post. Well, that plan was too successful. I'm overwhelmed by memories and stories about my dogs and cats that I'd like to share. Too many stories. Where do I start? How do I fit everything into this space?

So for tonight, I'll just post a few pictures and think a bit longer about how to tell those stories. All that technology has to be good for something.
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