Friday, April 23, 2010

Parles-tu francais?

I'm teaching the dogs French. If I can learn French, then they can too. I figured it would help me practice speaking more naturally and fluidly, even if what I say to them is pretty simple.

Some phrases are easy. "Who's hungry" becomes "Vous avez faim?" or "Qui a faim?" Come and go are simple, straight translations: "Venez" and "Allons" (the latter actually means "Let's go").

Mimi has already learned that "donnez-moi" means "give (it to me)."

And I can praise them, telling them they are "tres bons chiens".

After they eat or when we come back from a walk, I ask them "Ca va?"--"okay (is it/are you good?" "Faisons de la marche" means "Let's go for a walk!"

One of my favorites is "Ca suffit." Mimi gets to hear that one a lot. It means "knock it off!"

And of course after we play a game of baby or ball, they have learned that "Ca fini" or "C'est tout" means we are done.

I've made translations of sit/down/stay/wait but I think they might be too awkward. I need to learn some more idioms or slang to make these commands simpler.

But I'm keeping the dogs busy with the handful of commands they are learning so far.

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