Friday, April 30, 2010

Mon Bear Baby, J'adore!

For almost a week, Harry has been offering me his frog when he wants me to play with him. I wondered about his change of allegiance since Bear Baby is always his first choice. The frog toy is constructed on the same body plan as the bear, the texture is the same, they are the same size, but Harry has always preferred the bear.

It seems that Bear Baby got swept up in the sheets I took off the bed last week and has been lurking at the bottom of the laundry basket. I found him yesterday as I was loading the sheets into the washer.

Happy to be reunited with his favorite toy, Harry slept with him last night and has been carrying him around all day today!

1 comment:

BC Insanity said...

Oh Harry!

Love your french, I see you are definitely getting the hang of it.

Maybe you could have also said, as per Harry's words: Je t'adore

I'll get going on that passport of mine. Maybe next year we can plan a vacation in France. Should make things more bearable for ya if you can talk with the locals.