Thursday, March 25, 2010

More Settling In

I've been quite busy the past two weekends. I finally got my office organized, although in the process, I discovered during a trip to the local stationery/computer/book store that toner cartridges for my two printers are not sold in KSA. And then when I went to Amazon to order them online, I found that Amazon wouldn't ship the laser printer cartridge here. No steps forward, three steps back. But even if neither printer is functional, I brought some order to the office chaos.

This weekend, I bought and installed some shelving in my kitchen in the space where the fridge would go. It looks really good! The new shelves gave me the space to unpack four boxes of kitchen things. I discovered a few items that I was really starting to need!

Nothing is square or standard in Aramco housing so I had to custom fit every shelf. Fortunately, I shipped over most of my hand tools and was prepared to tackle this job.

Dog food update. That stuff is high powered! I am having to feed the dogs less homemade because both were starting to put on a bit of weight. My previous calculations will have to change as a result. Looks like one batch (about USD 25) will last a month, not two weeks. It fills two 9x13 baking pans.

I made a second batch with lamb. This time, I followed the recipe more closely and I think the results were much better. But instead of grating all of those vegetables by hand, I microwaved them then chopped and mashed them up. It made for a more "home style" texture. It's pretty colorful, isn't?


BC Insanity said...

Nice shelves! You didn't have to paint them did you?

lilspotteddog said...

No, they are covered with some sort of plastic laminate. Particle board inside. I put the cut ends towards the wall so you can't see them. They were originally 35" long but the longest one is now 32.5"!

Rover Mom said...

yum! and good news - dogfood is now half the cost!!