Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fabulous Mimi!

What a difference a good night's rest makes! In contrast to last week, I was on my game this morning and so was Mimi. Bad Mimi never made an appearance in class this morning.

Now that the weather has cooled a bit, Debbie had us run two full courses, plus a few exercises on each. Mimi absolutely NAILED a Masters Jumpers course on her first run.

Well, that's not quite true. On our first attempt, I mishandled the third obstacle, putting me in the wrong place for jump #4....

But that was just bad handling. Once I got straightened out, it was fabulous Mimi all the way.

When you have that connection with your dog, it feels like you float through those runs. Small errors remain small, correctable. The plan you put together in the walk-through flows just like you thought it would. Mimi and I were running as a team every time we stepped on the field this morning. I videoed all of our runs and watching them brings back all of the excitement and joy I felt.

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