Tuesday, February 23, 2016


While there are dozens of amazing insults and insights that I endure every day, as do we all, none of them rise to the level of blog-worthy. While I am training a new puppy, and he is of course the most amazing, smart, and naughty puppy that ever existed, nothing there is really blog-worthy either. Although he does have a very amusing obsession with socks.

After several years at this, I should be able to find a kernel of something to write about on a semi-regular basis. But I am unable to find either the energy or the kernel.

Oh, I could drone on and on about minutiae of innervation of the small mammal head or about how my younger peers confuse kindness in an instructor with competence. Or about how it took me three days and multiple attempts at my taxes to figure out the pathway that was most favorable to me. Or about how I am wringing my hands over what snacks to bring to class on Thursday that will satisfy the vegans, gluten-frees, and other freaky food-o-phobes in class in addition to pleasing the largest number of the rest of us.

In sum, vet school is sucking all desire out of me to sit in front of a computer screen unless I am studying.

Still, there are glimmers.

Archie is quickly mastering hand signals for down, the obedience "around" command, coming up to my indicated side from a sit-stay or while moving, recalls in general (god, he's a stubborn little terrier), running with me (not ahead of me or biting or jumping at my hand), and verbal commands for turning left and right. I've never taught any dog a solid right or left verbal command. It should be interesting.

And Archie starts class in two weeks. Hopefully that will provide some training hijinks that I can write about.

And this interminable term draws to a close in just a couple of weeks (plus finals week after that). Spring break won't be nearly long enough, I'm afraid.


Rover Mom said...

when all else fails - cute puppy photos always win ;-)

lilspotteddog said...

I have no energy to screw around with the various technologies involved in that either! I'm not even taking photos of him for my own viewing pleasure. Vet school is ass-kicking and there's no other way to get through it than to buckle down and do the work.