Friday, January 22, 2016

Diary of a First-Year Vet Student: The Smartest Muscle in Your Body?

Despite my continued frustration with our gross anatomy class, I can't ignore the fact that we are learning some pretty amazing things. One of our anatomy professors told us that the "smartest muscle" in our bodies was our external anal sphincter. I'm not sure I completely agree.

See, you have two anal sphincter muscles, an internal one and an external one. The internal one is controlled by your autonomic nervous system. It tells you when it is time to poop! However, you have conscious control of your external anal sphincter. If you want to poop now, great. You can also choose to poop later, perhaps when it is more convenient. But the external anal sphincter will always eventually lose out to your lizard brain and the internal sphincter. So maybe it's not so smart after all.

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