Friday, July 25, 2014

Azza and HellBeast

This is how my bed normally looks:

This is how it looks after a couple of minutes of the Azza and HellBeast variety show:

They would have stripped the bed down to the fitted sheet in just a couple more minutes!

HellBeast was on a roll today. He found the treat bag that I wear when I walk the dogs. I usually put it in a cabinet as soon as we get back but this morning I got distracted by other things and left it on a shelf by the front door. While I was in the shower, he knocked it to the floor where the dogs got it. I found it in the bedroom, almost certainly taken there by Azza--she likes to take toys and used kleenex and such in there to chew on in private. There wasn't a crumb left in the bag. I suspect Mimi ate most of the treats (just their usual kibble) since she is wise to the ways of the cat and she's queen bee.

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