Sunday, August 25, 2013

Keeping Warm

It got a bit chilly last night. Azza was able to demonstrate that she has at last learned how to get close to Harry without upsetting either him or me. In this photo, he was curled up and covered up first, then she curled up next to him and I tucked her blanket around her. I suppose it's also worth nothing that Azza has finally learned the value of being covered with a warm blanket at night. She used to kick it off right away. Now when I drape it over her, she sighs and tucks her nose even further into her belly.

Laughing at me because I cover my dogs up with their own blankets? Laugh away. It keeps them quiet and happy all night long. And if I get cold myself, I drag Mimi under the covers with me. She gets the best of all possible worlds then.

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