Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mimi and Azza

I'm trying for the FOURTH time to get this video from my new iPad to display in my blog. I'll get it figured out eventually!

This head-patting thing is very odd. Mimi is being very tolerant of Azza.

Notice Harry curled up in the dog bed. When the girls get going, they are quite careful to avoid disturbing him.


payingattention said...

Is that a more affectionate or insistent or other-cultural version of the pawing in the air thing that means, "Come on! Play with me!"? Our dogs did that so much with each other to beckon, I eventually started using it as sign language when I called them to me. Not sure if they appreciated my learning their language . . ..

lilspotteddog said...

Yes, it means exactly that, "come on, let's play some more". But Azza is actually gently touching Mimi's head, which is funny enough, but Mimi just sits there like a statue.

There are quite a few dog trainers (me among them) that advocate getting down on the floor when you play tug and toys with your dog, growling and play bowing and making other similar movements. I've demonstrated this in class with other people's dogs, to their amazement as it usually follows them saying "my dog doesn't play with toys much", to which I reply,"you aren't playing right!"