Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Marking Time

I realized tonight that I started this blog just over four years ago in August of 2008. Its beginning is linked with Iz dying, which is a sad thing. I know that I'm not the most prolific of posters and I certainly have my dry spells, but CircusK9 has covered a lot of ground in the past four years. Thanks for hanging in there with us.


Anne said...

I love your blog! I was so sad reading as you went through all your trials (the bad life trials, not agility trials!) in Tx, and then your move to KSA. I love your stories of your dogs. I love all your details about training. I've loved all the cultural, environmental and life stories from KSA, I love the cooking, I love your humor (kicked my infidel butt to the curb).

I've shared it with a lot of friends over the years.

I check it a couple of times a week and am always happy to see a new entry.

Can't wait to see what's next.


payingattention said...

What Anne said! Your thoughts, observations, recipes and insights are invaluable. As an aside, we thought of you today passing by a dog club(?) near Kaiserslautern, Germany, that had this on its wall: "Agility is fun!"