Friday, May 15, 2009

Time for Flyball!

Four of the dogs and I are off to a flyball tournament north of Houston this weekend.

No, only Harry is actually competing. I'm dragging the others along to try to save some money at the kennel.

Cap is becoming more and more affectionate, asking for belly rubs and attention fairly regularly now. I've noticed him watching me a lot more too. I got spoiled with my obsessive terriers who openly stare at my every move. I hope to have our relationship to the point where I can begin some flat work with Cap next month. It is a method to teach a young dog what the handler's body movements in agility mean without asking him to do repetitive jumping or any obstacles. He needs to be willing to run with me for flat work to be effective. And for that he needs to find me more exciting than anything else going on.

Some of you might find it odd that I would describe such an apparently social little dog in this way. But Cap was in half a dozen foster homes and while he was by no means abused or mistreated, he was left to his own devices for the most part. While it is in his nature to want to be with his person, he has never had the luxury of time with just one person. Remember, I got him when he was only 14 weeks old. And here he is, 8 1/2 months old, just starting to feel comfortable about coming to me for attention and love and play.

So I think I can truly say everyone is happy and healthy.

And my little old man Harry is really looking forward to a weekend of barking and flyball! He's been watching me pack and won't let me out of his sight.

I probably won't get back to the blog until next week.

1 comment:

BC Insanity said...

Good luck and have fun Harry boy
Your ex-team mate Grommit is in St George flyballing as well.
Go burn some mats!
