Friday, March 09, 2018

T3i: How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count The Ways.

Two weekends ago, Archie earned his AKC Excellent Standard title, so I proudly enter the ring with Rosecountry's Bust A Move AX AXJ. Our focus is now on MACH points and double Qs.

But that's not what I came here to talk about. An update from the Terrier Toy Testing Institute (T3i) is long overdue. 

I stumbled across some large, flat, multiple-squeaker toys last year and on a whim, bought two. I called them "fishy" but they are actually frogs. Archie loves this style of toy. He loves them so much that he loved both "fishies" to death. When there was nothing left but bits of plastic rattling around in the squeakers and threads holding the covers on, all the plush long worn away, I knew I had to find replacements. 

I think the new toys meet all the necessary criteria. They are not from the same manufacturer but they are basically the same style. It took Archie a year to destroy the first two toys even with regular appearance in the daily toy rotation of a very active terrier, so T3i rates these a 10!

I've mentioned the odd way that Archie plays with his toys, how he rucks up dog beds and blankets to shove the toys underneath, only to root them out and do it all again. Here's a video of Archie in action!

source of the title of this post

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